We listen and give our customers exactly what they are looking for every time.
Some of our services:
Address: 83OO Stacy Rd Ste 3OO, McKinney, TX 75O7O
Phone: 214-543-4126
Email: hairbossfrisco@gmaiI.com
We have a wide range of scalp treatment options, including American scalp treatments, Japanese scalp treatments, and Korean scalp treatments
We can give you curly or straight with perms and straightening services.
We can take care of any trims or beard maintenance that you might need.
We will take care of all your eyebrow needs to give you an irresistible face.
We give cuts for all ages and genders. We cover a wide range of styles, including long, curly, and short.
We can color your beards, and even eyebrows!
“Henry and his wife have always been excellent with their attention to detail. HAIR B0SS is the best!”